CBDS Commentaries

CBDS Commentaries

CBDS Commentaries is a short analysis of contemporary issues in diplomacy, business, and international relations studies that are relevant to Indonesia’s position and role in the international world. The views expressed in this publication are the personal views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Center for Business and Diplomatic Studies.

No.1/2024: International Relations and Its Current Debates in Indonesia; Miranda P. Tahalele 27/10/2024

No.2/2024: Shifting Aid Institutional Architecture in the Asia-Pacific; Aldo Vincent Chai 4/11/2024

No.3/2024: Contemporary Issues in International Relations: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence; Suwarno and Lili Yulyadi Arnakim 11/11/2024

No.4/2024: Reestablishing New Sovereign Wealth Fund: Why Indonesia Investment Authority is not Performing Well; Benedictus Nathaniel Davin 18/11/2024

No.5/2024: Strengthening Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection: Indonesia’s New Ministry and Insight from The Philippines; Mochamad Alvin Dwiana Qobulsyah 25/11/2024