Rethinking the State, Market and Society in the Era of Disruption
Jakarta, 9-10 October 2019
Organised by
Department of International Relations,
BINUS University
The 8th International Conference on Business, International Relations, and Diplomacy (ICOBIRD) 2019 will be held on October 7-8, 2019 in the capital city of Jakarta, Indonesia. This conference is hosted by the International Relations Department of Bina Nusantara University in collaboration with the Indonesian Association for International Relations. ICOBIRD is a renowned international conference that provides a platform for academician, researchers to share their own research outputs. This conference is based on an interdisciplinary approach to business, International Relations, and diplomacy. This annual international conference will invite academics, government practitioners, business people and non-governmental organizations to contribute ideas in the form of scientific work or research results related to topics, although not limited, as follows:
In recent years, the digital revolution has offered many exciting opportunities for both public and private actors. At the same time, the transition towards a digital economy may require a different approach altogether to take into account fundamental changes that may challenge countries’ competitiveness within a short period of time. This transformation appears not only in the economic sector but also in domestic political activity, international relations, and social issues.
In the economic sector, digital transformation helps reduce transaction costs and increase productivity. No wonder the digital economy has become an increasingly large contributor to the growth of the world economy, facilitating trade, creating new jobs and economic opportunities, and enabling businesses to expand their markets. It also forces countries to make a political declaration to launch a discussion on new global rules to facilitate the expansion of the digital economy in a way that is mutually beneficial to developed and developing countries.
In the digital era, political institutions, as well as political activities, are increasingly mediated and shaped by the technologies of information and communication. Many governments have already adopted digital strategies that reshape the way government delivers services. However, while few governments have already in “maturing” stage of digital transformation, the overwhelming majority are still in the early or developing stages of the digital-transformation journey.
Aim and Scope
Given the background above, this year conference’s theme is “Rethinking the State, Market, and Society in the age of disruption”. The conference will have two main objectives to outreach:
This conference will also discuss the emergence of the disruption in every aspect of life ranging from political disruption with the rise of Trumpism to economic disruption with the transformation to the digital economy and its consequences for modern societies, particularly in Southeast Asia.
The conference is then organised as a collection of a variety of workshops and presentations ranging from regulation and digital economy until migration and mobility in the age of disruption. Hence, we particularly interest to have more presenters from outside BINUS so that there is an exchange of ideas. Moreover, the outcomes of the conference are to select particulars papers to be submitted as a part of the special issue in relevant journal outlets.
- Regulation and Digital Economy
- Maritime technology and the industrial revolution
- The role of the Creative Industry in economic development
- Sustainable development in the age of disruption
- Migration and mobility in the age of disruption
- Free trade in the age of new protectionism
- International Relations of the Asia Pacific in the age of Trump
- Digital Economy and Financial Inclusion
- Market and entrepreneurship in digital disruption
- Security in the age of digital disruption
- Politics and government in digital society
Important Dates:
Deadline for full papers : 20 September 2019
Notification of acceptance : 30 September 2019
Deadline for registration : 2 Oktober 2019
Funding and Sponsorship
The conference is supported by DIKTI Konsorsium Riset Penugasan research grant, BINUS Taiwan Studies Project Research grant, as well as Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO), Jakarta and the Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Keynote Speakers
- Erwin Haryono, Executive Director Payment System Policy Department, Bank Indonesia
- Professor Jenn-Jaw Soong, National Cheng Kung University
- Heldy Satrya Putera, Director of Infrastructure Planning, BKPM
- Jaffar Al Rikabi, Economist, the World Bank
All papers presented at this conference (provided meeting all editorial requirements) will be aimed at the publication in the following Scopus indexed journals:
- Journal of International Studies
- International Discourse
- Institutions and Economies
- International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
- Journal of ASEAN Studies
Tentative Schedule
Schedule (Binus Anggrek Campus) | ||
Wednesday, 9 October 2019 | ||
07.30-08.30 | Registration | (Auditorium)
07.30-08.30 | Coffee Break | |
08.30-09.00 | Opening Session | |
09.00-09.05 | Recitation of Do’a by Dr. Lili Yulyadi | |
09.05-09.10 | Opening session (Indonesia Raya and Hymn of BINUS) | |
09.10-09.15 | Welcoming Speech by Organizing Committee, Moch Faisal Karim, PhD | |
09.15 – 09.30 | Welcoming Speech by Prof. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, PhD., Vice-Rector, BINA NUSANTARA University | |
09.30-09.35 | Group Photo with Keynotes | |
09.35-12.00 | Plenary Session
1. Heldy Satrya Putera – Director of Infrastructure Planning BKPM 2. Erwin Haryono – Executive Director Payment System Policy Department, Bank Indonesia 3. Jaffar Al Rikabi – World Bank Indonesia Economic Growth and Digital Economy 4. Prof. Prof Soong-Jenn Jaw – National Cheng Kung University |
12.00-13.00 | Lunch | Balcony 4th Floor |
13.00-15.00 | Parallel Session | |
Panel 1 IR in disruption era chaired by Tony Hsu
428 | |
Panel 2 Creative Industry in Digital Economy chaired by Lili Yulyadi, PhD
403 | |
Panel 3 Innovation and Digital Economy chaired by Moch Faisal Karim PhD
529 | |
Panel 4 Socio-Economic issues in Disruption Era chaired by Wayne Palmer, PhD
525 | |
15.00-15.30 | Coffee Break | 507 |
15.30-17.30 | Parallel Session | |
Panel 5 Political Economy of Disruption Era chaired by Tia Mariatul Kibtiah
428 | |
Panel 6 Community in Digital Economy Chaired by Paramitaningrum, PhD
403 | |
Panel 7 Business in Digital Economy chaired by Prof. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, PhD
529 | |
Panel 8 Media and Politics chaired by Wayne Palmer, PhD
525 | |
Thursday, 10 October 2019 | ||
09.00-09.30 | Coffee Break | 526 |
09.30-13.00 | Parallel Session | |
Publication plan and writing clinic by Moch Faisal Karim, PhD
528 | |
Publication plan and writing clinic by Lili Yulyadi, PhD
501 | |
Publication plan and writing clinic by Prof Soong-Jenn Jaw, PhD
428 | |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch | 526 |
The authors are required to use this following template in order to submit their paper. here is the link for the template.
Scientific Committee
Prof Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, PhD
Lili Yulyadi, PhD
Dinna Wisnu, PhD
Moch Faisal Karim, PhD
Wayne Palmer, PhD
The authors receive and oblige to the terms and conditions of the conference upon the payment is settled. The committee will announce the update officially on the website and the registrants must follow the terms and conditions as stipulated.
No. | International Participant | Fee (full amount) |
1. | Presenter registration | USD 100 |
2. | Non-student participant | USD 50 |
No. | Indonesian Participant | Fee (full amount) |
1. | Presenter registration | IDR 1,500,000 |
2. | Early bird (15 September) | IDR 1,000,000 |
3. | Participant | IDR 500,000 |
The fee includes conference program kits, meal during the conference, and certificate. Travelling and accommodation, as well as proceeding fees, are excluded.
In order for you to make online registration, you are requested to pay the above conference fee through following link: