The output of thesis course in BINUS is to publish the thesis paper at reputable international scholarly publication. To achieve this goal, thesis paper in the International Relations Study Program is structured as scholarly literature, like academic journal article or conference paper.
There are two thesis tracks that students can choose: (1) “jalur khusus” or regular track and (2) “artikel ilmiah” or scholarly article track.
There are two thesis course schemes that students can choose: (1) 6-credit Thesis course and (2) 2+4-credit Pre-Thesis and Thesis courses.
Output of Thesis Course: Scholarly Publication
Students are expected to submit their thesis paper at reputable international scholarly publication, either by co-authoring with their supervisors or as single author.
Examples of students’ thesis-based scholarly publication: download here
Format of Thesis Paper: Scholarly Literature
Thesis paper is structured as scholarly literature, like academic journal article or conference paper, not in chapters. The sections are:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- Research Method
- Findings, Analysis, and Discussion
- Conclusion
- Bibliography/References
Thesis word count is as a journal article or conference paper; approximately 5,000-8,000 words.
Thesis Tracks
There are two thesis tracks that students can choose: (1) “jalur khusus” or regular track and (2) “artikel ilmiah” or scholarly article track.
In the “jalur khusus” or regular track, students finish writing their thesis, submit the thesis soft cover, undergo thesis defense, and finally submit the thesis paper to scholarly publication (academic journal or conference) after the process is complete. The thesis is graded based on the thesis content, supervisory process, and thesis defense process.
In the “artikel ilmiah” or scholarly article track, students finish writing their thesis and submit the thesis paper to scholarly publication (academic journal or conference) before submitting the thesis soft cover and undergo thesis defense. The thesis defense is in the form of poster presentation. The thesis is graded based on the status of submission at scholarly publication (submitted, under review, revised, or accepted).
Thesis Course Schemes
There are two thesis course schemes that students can choose: (1) 6-credit Thesis course and (2) 2+4-credit Pre-Thesis and Thesis courses.
The 6-credit Thesis course is the thesis course that students take in one semester.
The 2+4-credit Pre-Thesis and Thesis courses are two courses that students take in two different semesters but are considered as one thesis course. Students first take the 2-credit Pre-Thesis course with thesis proposal as the output. In the next semester, students take the 4-credit Thesis course. With this scheme, students can take thesis courses at the same semester as 3+1 enrichment programs or the Kampus Merdeka program, and outstanding students can aim to graduate in 7 semesters. The requirement to choose this scheme is a GPA greater than or equal to 3.25.
How to Sign Up for Thesis?
Students must sign up for thesis to the International Relations Study Program at the same time as registering to SSC. Students register to the International Relations Study Program to get supervisory and to SSC to get enrollment status. Contact the International Relations Study Program’s Thesis Coordinator.
Contact Person
For all enquiries on thesis, please contact the International Relations Program thesis coordinator:
Tangguh Chairil, S.Sos., M.Si. (Han), M.Si.