Journal of ASEAN Studies

Association of South East Asian Nations (hereinafter ASEAN), which transformed into a legally-binding community, has become one of the most dynamic regions in the world, not only from economic but also from political and socio-cultural perspectives. The role of ASEAN, with its growing significance in the international affairs, particularly in Asia, is presented with the opportunity to develop comprehensive studies on ASEAN from various actors, approaches, issues, level of analysis and contribution and significance of the studies. Currently, there has been lots of research done to study ASEAN both as a community and organization, or a process. However, in the academic field, few scholarly journals are devoted to the development of ASEAN as a subject of studies.
The need to bridge the growing studies of ASEAN with the lack of scholarly journals has stimulated the urgency to establish a journal devoted for ASEAN. For this reason, Journal of ASEAN Studies (JAS) is initiated by Centre for Business and Diplomatic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Binus University. The JAS is a bi-annual English academic journal capturing the result of series of studies in the any field related with ASEAN ranging from theoretical development to policy analysis.
Editorial Team
Editor in Chief of Journal of ASEAN Studies
- Prof. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Managing Editor
- Moch Faisal Karim, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
- Dr. Lili Yulyadi Arnakim, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
International Editorial Board
- Assoc. Prof. Pierre van der Eng, Australian National University, Australia
- Dr. Abbas Mardani, University of South Florida, United States
- Prof. Yahia H. Zoubir, KEDGE Business School, France
- Dr. Adam Tyson, Leeds University, United Kingdom
- Prof. Jenn-Jaw Soong, National Cheng Keung University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Prof. Amitav Acharya, American University, United States
- Assoc. Prof. Nanthakumar Loganathan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Focus and Scope
The Journal of ASEAN Studies (JAS) is an International peer-reviewed bi-annual journal that enriches understanding of the past, current, and future issues relevant to ASEAN and its circle of issues. The article shall address any research on theoretical and empirical questions about ASEAN. The Topics addressed within the journal include: diplomacy, political economy, trade, national development, security, geopolitics, social change, transnational movement, environment, law, business and industry, and other various related sub-fields.
JAS expects the articles encourage debate, controversy, new understanding, solid theory, and reflection on ASEAN. The articles sent should have a sharp analysis and rigorous methodologies quantitative or qualitative as well as written in an engaging and analytical style. The JAS does publish original research, reviewing research, book review, opinion pieces of current affairs. However JAS does not publish journalistic or investigative style of article. The JAS would not be responsible for any implied or written statements of articles published. Each author would be responsible for their own writing.
JAS is an international multidisciplinary journal, covering various fields of research on ASEAN either as community, organization, process, and web of cooperations.
Journal of ASEAN Studies publishes the following types of manuscripts:
- Scholarly articles: The manuscripts should be approximately 5,000-8,000 words. The manuscripts must contain a review of the current state of knowledge on the research question(s) of interest, then share new information or new ideas that will impact the state of theory and/or practice in the area of ASEAN Studies and/or Southeast Asian Studies.
- Review Article: The manuscripts should be approximately 1,500-3,500. The manuscripts must contain the current state of understanding on a particular topic about ASEAN and/or Southeast Asian Studies by analysing and discussing research previously published by others
- Book Review: The manuscripts should be approximately 1,500-4,000. The manuscripts must contain a critical evaluation of book by making argument and commentary on the particular book discussed about ASEAN and/or Southeast Asian Studies.
- Practice notes: These are shorter manuscripts approximately 1,500-3,500 words that are of specific interest to practitioners. These manuscripts must present new development for the ASEAN.
- Research notes: Similar to practice notes, these are shorter manuscripts approximately 1,500-3,500 words that have specific implications for ASEAN. The manuscripts should employ rigorous methodology either qualitative or quantitative.
Template for article can be downloaded here
Peer Review Process
To maintain high standards of quality in its publication, Journal of ASEAN studies each manuscript received by the secretariat will undergo the following process:
Desk review by the editors to determine whether the manuscripts comply to the writing rule
After pass the first step, the manuscripts are reviewed by at least two blind-peer reviewers. The reviewers do not know the names or identities of the authors during this process, nor do the authors know the identity of the reviewers. Reviewers may be Editorial Board members or they may be invited Guest Reviewers.
Most submissions receive an initial editorial decision within 2 weeks from the date of the submission.
An article shall be reviewed by max 1 month per reviewer & be sent back to Editor
When a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors are asked to sign a letter of agreement granting the publisher the right to copyedit, publish, and copyright the material. Manuscripts under review for possible publication in Journal of ASEAN studies must be new, original and previously unpublished. They may not be submitted for review elsewhere concurrent to their submission to Journal of ASEAN studies.
Author Guidelines
Manuscript shall be written in the following rules:
The Manuscript submitted to JAS shall never been published elsewhere. Any manuscripts being processed by JAS should never be sent to other journal or media until there is notification from JAS secretariat.
The Journal of ASEAN studies is published in English only (British English and American English) consistently throughout the text, and please be sure to write clearly and use correct punctuation; we recommend that non-native authors have their contributions proofread.
The article shall comprise of Biographical note which should state the following: current occupation, scientific discipline, research fields and projects (maximum 100 words) and an abstract of at most 250 words. Please add three to four keywords.
The article shall be sent in the text as a plain Word file and use a standard font (Times New Roman, 1.5 space, 12 pt.). Organise titles and subtitles using a clear hierarchy; please do not use more than three levels of headlines. Include footnotes for digression or further argumentation sparingly. Avoid the use of bullet points or numerated explanations.
The articles shall be submitted via email in Microsoft Word format (.Doc or .Docx) or Rich Text Format (.Rtf).
The author’s name shall include no academic degrees and placed under the title of the article. If the article has more than one author, the primary author must be on the top of the others. If the article was written by the team, the authors name must be ordered alphabetically. In the case of a script written by the more than one author, Journal of ASEAN Studies editors will only correspond to the main author or author listed in the first place.
References should follow APA Reference with the Harvard Citation Style. Please download here
Template for article can be downloaded here
Please submit your manuscript through the Open Journal System at
JAS is published by CBDS, Department of International Relations, Binus University in cooperation with Indonesian Association for International Relations (Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia)