PhD Scholarships for International Students at Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies, Germany
The Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies is offering five PhD scholarships. These scholarships worth of 1,365 euros per month and are awarded initially for two years with the possibility of extension for further 18 months. Graduates of all universities and international universities (with the above statements comparable university degree) can apply for these scholarships. The PhD positions are associated with teaching in the amount of 1 hour per week. Applications will close on 1 September 2013.
Study Subject(s): The research of the graduate school will be conducted in three interdisciplinary research fields: Principles and forms of social and political change, Cultural and linguistic systems and Infrastructure, migration and knowledge transfer. At the Graduate School following groups of subjects involved in each case with Eastern and Southeastern Europe reference: history, literature and linguistics, humanities, political science, law. With regard to inter-regional comparison and transfer studies further area studies be part of the Graduate School Program: Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, North American Studies.
Course Level: The scholarships are awarded for pursuing a PhD degree at Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies.
Scholarship Provider: German Federal and State Governments
Scholarship can be taken at: Germany
Eligibility: Graduates of all universities with a master, Magister, state examination, diploma can apply. Also graduates of international universities with the above statements comparable university degree can apply. A bachelor’s degree will not suffice in general to start a PhD in the area of East and Southeast European Studies, as the requirements – in particular the indispensable language skills – can usually be purchased only in a longer study. There is no age restriction for the application in the Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies.
Scholarship Open for International Students: International students can apply for these scholarships.
Scholarship Description: The Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies is a joint institution of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and the University of Regensburg. It is funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments and has been operational since November 2012.
Number of award(s): Five scholarships are awarded.
Duration of award(s): Scholarships are awarded initially for two years with the possibility of extension for a further 18 months.
What does it cover? The doctoral scholarship of 1,365 euros per month for a term of two years with the possibility of extension for eighteen more months. In addition, travel agents, property, grants and possibly child care allowances within the guidelines of the DFG.
Selection criteria: The Auswahlder PhD /inside is made on the basis of quality criteria such as originality of the PhD project and the feasibility of the work plan, the scientific potential and the previous study achievements, the discussion and cooperation ability and willingness to work on overarching theoretical and methodological issues in graduate school.
Notification: The interviews take place on 7 October 2013 in Munich.
How to Apply: Please submit your complete application documents online. Required documents are:
-Outline of the dissertation project of 4-6 pages
-Time and work plan
-Qualified certificates from the college admission
-Abstract of the thesis
-if necessary, a list of publications
-Report of two high school teachers
Scholarship Application Deadline: Application deadline is 1 September 2013.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
Read more: PhD Scholarships for International Students in Germany, 2013/14 : 2013 2014 Scholarship Positions