Italian Graduate Student on Kijang Initiatives

On the 18th of November 2013, the Kijang Initiatives forum, a forum of discussion regularly organized by Department of IR of Bina Nusantara University was once again held in Kijang Kampus. In that discussion, Valeria Virgilio, an Italian student who is completing her Post-Graduate degree in International Relations at the University of Napoli “L’Orientale, presented the result of her study. The focus of the study is on how Chinese business networks in Indonesia have changed (or stayed unchanged) as a result of the process of globalization, Asian economic crisis, and the rise of China. Based on her research findings, Ms. Virgilio maintains that while the Chinese business corporates she observed have embraced globalization by applying a more modern business strategy, they still retain some of the features that characterize Chinese traditional business.
Several academics from various departments in the Faculty of Humanities of Binus University attended the forum. They are, among others, Prof. A. Dahana (Chinese Studies), Dr. Sidharta (Business Law), Andyny Khosasih (Chinese Studies), Faisal Karim (International Relations), Wendy Prajuli (International Relations), and Dini A. Septanti (International Relations). The forum was chaired by Johanes Herlijanto (International Relations).