International Student Exchange Program Japan – East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths

International Student Exchange Program
Japan – East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths
(JENESYS) 2014
Department of International Relations calls for student exchange program applicants for JENESYS 2014.
Exchange Period : February 23rd – March 3rd 2015
- Admission Schedule:
Date | Application Process |
December 17th-19th, 2014 | Application opens for JENESYS 2.0 2014Required Documents:
All documents should be submitted to the Department of International Relations before or on Friday, December 19th 2014 at 13:00 WIB
IR Department Office hour: 09.00 – 17.00 WIB |
December 19th 2014 | Interview with the Admission Committee from the Department of International Relations. Interview will be held from 14.00 – 16.00 WIB. Room is to be confirmed. |
December 20th 2014 | Notification of successful candidates (two successful candidates) |
Successful candidates send their applications to Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika |
All required documents for selection process should be written in English and submitted to the Department of International Relations, Bina Nusantara University before the deadline (those with incomplete documents will not be reviewed by the Admission Committee)
- Benefits of the Program
The Exchange Program JENESYS 2014 offers several benefits for the students:
- Airline tickets (returned), organizing cost, local transportation, administrative arrangement, and hospitality are fully covered by the program
- Courtesy call
- Research walk on famous spots in Tokyo
- Observation (cutting-edge enterprises, local government institutions, local industries, World Heritages, famous tourist spots, etc)
- School exchange
- Home-stay
- Experience of Japanese culture
- Workshop – production of introduction of Japan –
- Reporting session
Contact Information:
Ms. Ratih
Email :
Ph : +6281295500926
Office Hour : Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Download Attachment:
1. Entry Form
3. Visa Application Form (sample)