Binus IR Department in Collaborative Meeting with Macquarie University

Faculty members of Department of International Relations at Bina Nusantara University (Binus) were among Binusians attending the collaborative meeting between Binus University, Jakarta and Macquarie University, Sydney. Taking place on Tuesday, 3 February 2015, the meeting marked the tenth anniversary of collaboration between the two universities.

Mr. Herlijanto and the Representative of Macquarie University
Mr. Herlijanto and the Representative of Macquarie University

During the meeting, a session specifically designed to discuss about the collaboration between Binus University’s Department of IR and related departments from Macquarie, that is, the Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations and the Department of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism. The collaborative programs discussed during the session include plan for staff exchange, a short course on Indonesian politics, society and culture for Australian students, and the possibility to initiate joint degree in related program in the long run. We trust that the implementation of these collaborative programs will further strengthen our department.

Prof. Mursitama with the representative of Macquarie University
Prof. Mursitama with the representative of Macquarie University
Constructive Discussion between Macquarie University and Binus University
Constructive Discussion between Macquarie University and Binus University