BINUS International Relations’ Deputy Head Participated in Brown University’s International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI)

The Brown International Advanced Research Institute (BIARI), hosted by the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, convened 146 participants from 55 countries from June 4-18, to participate in the annual residential program. Among them is our Deputy Head, Ms. Ratu Ayu Asih Kusuma Putri who engaged in the two-week residential program in Providence, Rhode Island in the United States. She was selected from over 1000 applicants from all over the world to participate in BIARI’s Humanitarian Response and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Institute.
This year’s four institutes include: Humanitarian Response and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Increasing Effectiveness and Accountability in the Age of Complex Emergencies, Governance and Development in the Age of Globalization, Ethnicity, Conflict, and Inequality in Global Perspective, and Climate Change and Its Impacts: Connecting Variability and Knowledge in a Global System. All four institutes aim to tackle some of the most prominent global issues with up-and-coming scholars that the world should look to help solve these problems. Assembled by Brown University professors, each section features lectures, seminars, and workshops led by distinguished local and international guest faculty. Many of them are from other prestigious universities on the West Coast such as Harvard University, Yale, and MIT.
At the end of the two weeks, participants join an alumni community of over 1,000 members from 100 countries. They’re also eligible to apply for seed funding and residency awards for projects from collaborations that are outgrowths of BIARI initiatives. The program has brought rising stars together to foster discussion and debate, with results in the forms of global collaborations, conferences, and publications, comparative research, and new outreach tools.