BINUS International Relations’ Deputy Head Participated in Brown University’s International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI)

The Brown International Advanced Research Institute (BIARI) is a program by Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University that convenes early-career participants from around the world to address pressing global issues through collaboration across academic, professional, and geographic boundaries. This year, BIARI at Brown was held on 3-17 June 2017 on four institutes: (1) Humanitarian Response and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Increasing Effectiveness and Accountability in the Age of Complex Emergencies; (2) Ethnicity, Conflict, and Inequality in Global Perspective; (3) Climate Change and Its Impacts: Connecting Local Variability and Knowledge in a Global System; and (4) Forced Population Displacements and the Making of the Modern World. Each institute was convened by Brown University professors and offer lectures, seminars, workshops, and simulations led by distinguished international guest faculty.
Our Deputy Head, Ms. Ratu Ayu Asih Kusuma Putri, engaged in the institute. It was her second time as participant of BIARI at Brown after her first experience in 2016, that time participating in BIARI’s Humanitarian Response and Post-Conflict Reconstruction institute. This year, she participated in BIARI’s Ethnicity, Conflict, and Inequality in Global Perspective institute. Co-convened by faculty from the Departments of Economics and Political Science, this institute offered participants a thorough exploration of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of scholarship that connect conflict, inequality, and ethnicity. Best practices in comparative and interdisciplinary research design, implementation, and exposition was explored, with a particular focus on the dilemmas of doing justice to context-specific data while producing generalizable insights. Lectures and workshops led by distinguished guest faculty constituted the core of
this institute, supplemented by participants’ individual research presentations and panel discussions on pressing contemporary cases in line with participants’ expertise and interests.