IR Binus Faculty Member: Indonesia Should Learn from Taiwan How to Discover and Cultivate Talent

A ship under construction at the Taiwan Shipbuilding yard in Hsiaokang outside of Kaohsiung. Source: The View from Taiwan
The Indonesian government urge Taiwan’s ship-building sector to consider investing in Indonesia, since Indonesia is working to become a maritime power and actively engaged in international maritime trade, and for that goal Indonesia needs more ships. This is in line with Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy, which is aimed at seeking multilateral cooperation to boost regional economic growth and prosperity. On the other hand, the Mainland China has the Belt and Road Initiative, which is focused on infrastructure development.
In an interview with Focus Taiwan – CNA, Paramitaningrum, a Taiwan studies expert in International Relations Department at Bina Nusantara University, points out that the Taiwanese and Chinese initiatives have different goals and operational mechanisms. “Taiwan needs avoid competing with China” if it wants to expand its existence in Southeast Asia, the scholar said, because for example Taiwan cares more than China about cooperation in the areas of education and medical treatment, therefore it has a better advantage there.
In terms of “capacity building,” Paramitaningrum suggests that Indonesia should learn from Taiwan how to discover and cultivate talent. This is one area that could prove key in ensuring interactions between the two countries continue to grow, she said.
Paramitaningrum’s interview by CNA can be seen on the following link: