
The 7th International Conference on Business, International Relations, and Diplomacy (ICOBIRD)
“Repositioning Indonesia in the World; Geopolitics, Business, and Diplomacy ”
The post-Cold War international relations have been much linked to the process of globalization. The massive trade liberalization agreement among states has resulted in the diminishing boundaries and the growing interconnectivity among states which in the end created a complex web of economic interdependence. International relations, in this sense, are the triumph of liberalists as economic cooperation sets more peaceful relations among states than the preceding era.
This, however, is only part of the story. Economic interdependence has limitation in explaining the persistence of conflicts in international relations. Besides, economy is only one aspect of globalization. Other aspect that is no less important, yet still underexplored is its geopolitical and technological aspect.
While many agreed that the digital and technology era has revolutionized human interaction, few have explored its significance for international relations. States are growingly dependent on information technology for running government, conducting diplomacy, and managing their economic and defense infrastructure. Business and individuals are dependent on IT for running their corporations and day to day communication. This has not mentioned civil society organizations that depend on IT for promoting democratization and human rights. At the same time, however, hostile states, terrorist groups, criminals, and hackers also use these facilities to conduct their activities. Information technology, in this sense, is the new battlefield in international relations that shapes the dynamics of peace and conflict between states, non-states, or between states and non-state actors.
Against this backdrop, the 7th International Conference on Business, International Relations, and Diplomacy will be conducted under the theme “Repositioning Indonesia in the World: Geopolitics, Business, and Diplomacy”.
- Geopolitical strategy in the changing Asia Pacific region.
- Leadership in ASEAN
- Competitiveness in The Global Economy
- Business in The Era of Globalization
- Diplomacy in The Digital Era
- Foreign Policy
- Social Media, Human Rights, and Democratization in the new millennia.
- Politics and Governance
- Crisis Management
- Sustainable Innovation
- Achieving Sustainable Development
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The authors receive and oblige to the terms and conditions of the conference upon the payment is settled. The committee will announce the update officially on the website and the registrants must follow the terms and conditions as stipulated.
No. |
International Participant |
Fee (full amount) |
1. |
Presenter registration |
USD 300 |
2. |
Non-student participant |
USD 100 |
No. |
Indonesian Participant |
Fee (full amount) |
1. |
Presenter registration |
IDR 3,500,000 |
2. |
Early bird |
IDR 3,000,000 |
3. |
Participant |
IDR 1,000,000 |
The fee includes conference program kits, meal during the conference, and certificate. Traveling and accommodation fees are excluded.
In order for you to make online registration, you are requested to pay the above conference fee through following link:
Rundown of The ICOBIRD 2018
Rundown ICOBIRD and ICSSLAH 2018 | ||
Wednesday, 5 September 2018 | ||
08.00-09.00 | Registration | |
09.00-09.05 | Recitation of Do’a by Dr. Abdul Rashid | B0501 (Auditorium)
09.00-09.05 | Opening session (Indonesia Raya and Hymn of BINUS) | |
09.00 – 09.10 | Welcoming Speech by Chairman of ICSSLAH | |
09.10 – 09.20 | Speech by Dean of Humanities | |
09.20 – 09.30 | Speech and official opening by Vice Rektor Research and Technology Transfer | |
09.30 – 09.35 | Group Photo with Keynotes | |
09.30 – 09.45 | Chinese Performance | |
09.45 – 10.00 | Coffee Break | |
10.00 – 12.00 | Keynote Session
12.00 – 13.30 | Lunch | |
13.30 – 14.30 | Keynote Session ICOBIRD
1. Prof. Dr. Anthony Milner 2. Dr. Jerome Kueh Swee Hui |
A0601 |
14.30 – 16.00 | Parallel session 1
Moderator: Dennyza Gabiella
Abdullah Umar, Agung Hari Sasongko, Sugiharto, Yunitasari Christanti 2. Knowledge-based Social Entrepreneurship and the creation of Social Enterprise’s Sustainability in Indonesia : Two Cases Aditya Permana, Tirta N Mursitama 3. Technopreneurship Skills of Indonesian Entrepreneurs Cooky Tri Adhikara, Lasmy, Sasmoko, Yasinta Indrianti 4. A Multidimensional Approach to Perceived Insider Statusand Its Relationship with Organizational Ziticenship Behavior Hada Sya’airiallah, Aryana Satrya
A 0601 |
14.30 – 16.00 | Parallel session 2
Moderator: Luh Nyoman Ratih Wagiswari Kabinawa
Atikah Rahmi Fauzi 2. Does an Environment Serving Organization Based View Support a Product Market Strategy? A Film Performance Analysis Agustinus Nicolas Oroh 3. The Role of Innovation Capability to Promote Business Performance through Successful Strategy Execution: From Middle Managers Perspective Firdaus Alamsyah 4. Diplomacy From the Grassroots: the Role of Indonesia Netherland Youth Society (INYS) in Enhancing Indonesia-Netherland Socio Cultural Relations Luh Nyoman Ratih Wagiswari Kabinawa, Yumiko Audi Prasetyaputri
A0603 |
14.30 – 16.00 | Parallel session 3
Moderator: Galuh Dian Prama Dewi
1. Digital Influencer in Product Promotion: Fostering Consumers Trust by Enganging Followers Fitrie Handayani, Vivien Sylvina, Lidya Wati Evelina 2. Factors Affecting Clothing Design for Autistic Children: A Study of a Sustainable Development Brand Kiddie Pal in Jakarta Julita Oesanty Oetojo 3. Cultivating Brand Awareness of Korean Cosmetics Innisfree in Indonesia via e-WOM as the Eco Friendly Product Sophia Ariella, Ulani Yunus 4. The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility Towards Purchase intention: The Mediating Effect of Brand Image and Corporate Reputation Tengku Mohammad Khairal Abdullah, Priscillia Budiman
A0608 |
16.00 – 16.15 | Coffee Break | |
16.15 – 18.00 | Parallel session 4
Moderator: Amalia Sustikarini
Amalia Sustikarini 2. The Role of Indonesia in Managing trans-boundary haze pollution as environmental security issue in Southest Asia Lili Yulyadi Arnakim, Namira Shabrina 3. Repotitioning Indonesia in the Changing Maritime Lanscape of the Indo Pasific Region Sukmawani Bela Pertiwi 4. Establishing Maritime Power Competitiveness Index: Benchmarking Indonesian Navy’s Aspiration to Become World-Class Seapower Tangguh Chairil, Ganesh Aji Wicaksono , Muthia Alvi Nurbaitty |
A0601 |
16.15 – 18.00 | Parallel session 5
Moderator: Paramitaningrum
1. The Role of Participative Decision Making and Psychological Ownership in Enhancing Organizational Commitment and Knowledge Sharing Behavior Alvin Widanto, Aryana Satrya 2. Attitude toward Using FinTech among Millenials Angtyasti Jiwasiddi, Cooky Tri Adhikara, Mochammad Riyadh Rizky Adam, Ika Trianaz 3. Spending and Saving Behavior towards the 2019 Indonesia Presidential Election Dewi Tamara, MP Lingga, Doly Rosmiati 4. The Role of employee Participation and Industrial Relations Climate in Enhancing Organizational Commitment Suha Btari Nurul Adha, Aryana Satrya
A0603 |
16.15 – 18.00 | Parallel session 6
Moderator: Adytia Permana
Aditya Permana, Ayu 2. Achieving Peace and Justice: Promoting Human Rights in the Civil-Military Relations in Indonesia A Sudirman, W S Sumadinata, R A ramadhan, T N Mursitama 3. Indonesia’s Commitment to Human Rights for Refugee and Asylum Seeker Children Dennyza Gabiella, Septyari Faras Putri 4. Indonesian Accounting Professionals and ASEAN’s Mutual Recognition Arrangement, an Exploratory Study of Employability Factors Embun Mayangsari, Marko H. Sebira, Vishnu Juwono |
A0608 |
Thrusday, 6 September 2018 | ||
09.00 – 10.30 | Parallel session 7
Moderator: Paramitaningrum
1. Indonesian Tweet Diplomacy – ASEAN Community in The Spotlight Christine Pingkan Gneuss, Hana Hetty Manuela 2. Leadership in ASEAN: The Role of Indonesia’s Chairmanship in the ASEAN Youth Sector (2017-2019) Lili Yulyadi Arnakim, Budidarmo Kuntjoro Jakti 3. Looking For Balance? Indonesia’s Position among geopolitics Belt road Initiative, RCEP and AEC R. A. Affandi, Y. M. Yani, A. Bainus, T.N. Mursitama 4. Indonesian Economic Diplomacy toward Palm Oil : Indonesia’s Respond to the EU Resolution on Palm Oil and Deforestation of Rainforest (2016/2222(INI)) (2013-2017) Salsabila Hamid, Paramitaningrum, Ph. D |
A0601 |
09.00 – 10.30 | Parallel session 8
Moderator: Sukma BelaPertiwi
Nur Kholis, Nisrin Husna, Galuh Ayu Savitri, Yuventia Prisca 2. Using PESTEL Framework for Analysis User-Generated Content on Social Media: The Case of Indonesian Hospitality on Instagram Siti Paramadita, Agung Hari Sasongko, Sevenpri Candra 3. Women and Social Media: How ISIS Has Changed Terrorism Pattern in Indonesia Tia Mariatul Kibtiah, Christina Victoria Tirajoh 4. Consumer Engagement Pattern on Airlines Social Media: A Comparison Study Yanuarita Kusuma Permata Sari, Sari Ramadanty, Anindya Widita, Bobie Hartanto |
A0603 |
09.00 – 10.30 | Parallel session 9
Moderator: Galuh Dian Prama Dewi
1. The Study of Customer Needs of Application-Based Online Transportation in Jakarta Dewi Tamara, Joyce Gaspersz, Irenne Silalahi 2. The Mindset Change as the key success of TQM implementation in education Ferry Doringin 3. Teaching Competency for Business Educators: A Framework for Quality Assessment Within Higher Education Institutions in ASEAN Franklin G Talaue, Mookung KIM, Lena Choong Sook Lin 4. AGRI Education Pathway for Sustainable Food Resilience in Rural Area of Atambua, East Nusa Tenggara Province Galuh Dian Prama Dewi, Richa Vidya Yustikaningrum |
A0608 |
10.30 – 10.45 | Coffee Break |
10.45 – 12.15 | Parallel session 10
Moderator: Tia Mariatu Kibtiah
1. The Impact of Virtual reality as a promotional media on customer purchase intention in real estate industry Dwi Nugraha Salim 2. Consumer Generated Media: Understanding Indonesian Social Traveler Zakky Zamrudi 3. The Role of Online Review and Buying Orientation to Increase Purchase Intention in Hospitality Industry Viany Utami Tjhin, Angelina Permatasari 4. Intertwine between Technology and Diplomacy: Indonesian e-Diplomacy in Achieving Palestinian Independence Dina Yulianti, R. Widya Setabudi Sumadinata, Tirta Nugraha Mursitama |
A0601 |
10.45 – 12.15 | Parallel session 11
Moderator: Roseno Adji Affandi
1. The Role Of University in Forming International Collaborative Innovation: What Can We Learn from the West Feranita, Simone Corsi 2. Indonesia and Counter Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in Southest Asia Lili Yulyadi Arnakim, Namira Shabrina 3. The Analysis of CDMS by Indonesian Millenials Melva Hermayanty Saragih, Rita Yohanes
A0603 |
12.15 – 13.30 | Lunch | |
13.30 – 15.00 | Workshop I dan Parallel session (PIC masing – masing ) | A0601 |
15.00 – 15.30 | Coffee Break | |
15.30 – 16.30 | Workshop II | A0601 |
16.30 – 17.00 | Evaluasi Masing – Masing PIC |