Fun! FL-FP of International Relations and Business Law’s Bonding Session

BINUS SYAHDAN – On Saturday, 15 July 2023, Freshmen Leaders and Freshmen Partners (FL-FP) from the Department of International Relations and Business Law held a bonding event to strengthen the friendship and solidity of the FL-FP teams from the two majors. The FL-FP team is led by FYP Leader (FYPL) from International Relations, Stanley Lukman, who is responsible for coordinating 29 FL-FP from the International Relations department and 13 FL-FP from the Business Law department.

Trio MC (left to right): Anastasya, Jenisse, Debora

With MCs Anastasya, Jenisse, and Debora from the International Relations department, the event was held on site during the day at the BINUS Syahdan Campus and opened with two exciting game sessions. This ice breaking session was a very good start for the bonding program. The arrangement of the teams playing in the games by mixing FL-FP from the two majors has proven to be effective in strengthening the introduction and familiarity of each major.

Fun ice breaking session

The event continued with remarks from the Head of HIMSLAW, Deron; Viranty as FYPL of the previous year; and Stanley as FYPL, and continued with material on Leadership by Mas Aditya Permana, a lecturer from the Department of International Relations and Mr. Jemmy Mikhael, Head of HIMHI of 2021-2022.

Deron (left), Viranty, Stanley
Jemmy (left), Mr. Aditya

First Year Program (FYP) is a 1 year program for BINUSIAN who have just joined the BINUS University’s family. The program starts with the Orientation and Transition Program (OTP) from July to September, then Week of Welcoming (WoW) for 1 week, Academic Experience (AE), and closed with the Inauguration event to Welcome and Inaugurate new students as BINUSIAN.