Conference Agenda

We are excited to share the conference agenda with you. You could also view the conference agenda as PDF file here: Conference Agenda_ICOBIRD 2024.

ICOBIRD 2024 is part of the BINUS Joint International Conference (BJIC) in BINUS Indo-Pacific Forum. See more about BINUS Indo-Pacific Forum.


Day 1. Wednesday 28 August 2024

(ALL Time is in BALI Time-WITA, GMT+8)

Timestamp Program Venue
08.30-13.00 Welcoming Ceremony for All Participants Of Indo-Pacific Forum* Ballroom 2, 3rd Fl
08.30 – 09.00 Participants Registration Ballroom Area, 3rd Fl
08.50 – 09.00 Cultural Performance Ballroom 2, 3rd Fl
09.00 – 09.15 Welcoming Ceremony of BINUS Indo-Pacific Forum
09.15 – 10.15 Keynote Speech Session 1
10.15 – 11.35 Keynote Speech Session 2
11.35 – 11.50 Kuta Pledge for Sustainable Future
11.50 – 11.55 Closing of Welcoming Ceremony
11.55 – 13.00 Lunch Break Ballroom Area, 3rd Fl
13.00 – 17.00 BJIC 2024: International Conference on Business, International Relations and Diplomacy (ICOBIRD)

Paper Presentation Session

13.00 – 13.10 Welcoming speech for ICOBIRD Participant


Head of International Relations Department, BINUS University

·         Rangga Aditya, Ph.D


Vice Rector Research & Technology Transfer, BINUS University

·         Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, S.Psi., M.Si.

13.10 – 15.00 Panel 1: Technology and International Relations

Moderator: Cyntia Sipahutar (BINUS)


Technology in International Relations and the Middle Powers’ Coin

·         Peni Hanggarini (Paramadina University)


How US vs China Jurisdictions Collide – International Copyright Adaptation in the Case Between Mobile Legends: Bang-Bang Infringement Against League of Legends

·         Leony Christien Nataly, Aditya Permana (BINUS University)


Different Shades of Power: Assessing U.S. Economic Statecraft and Weaponizing Behavior in the Semiconductor Industry

·         Felix Patrick, Arthanami Eka krisima (BINUS University)


The Role and Effectiveness of Small Drones in the Modern Battlefield: A Study Case Ukraine War February 2022 – December 2023

·         Sandy Juda Pratama, Curie Maharani (BINUS University)


Agenda-Setting of the United States towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict through the Twitter (X) Platform

·         Naufal Fajari Athallah, Aditya Permana (BINUS University)



Q & A Session



(link will provided in due time)

13.10 – 15.00 Panel 2: Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Moderator: Yosef Dedy Pradipto (BINUS University)


Indonesia Entrepreneurship Index Evaluation using DBSCAN and K-means

  • Zenli Huangtara, Hans Indrawan Sucipto, Jurike Moniaga, Sasmoko, Sonya Rapinta Manalu, Yasinta Indrianti, Samuel Anindyo Widhoyoko (BINUS University)


Indonesia Entrepreneurship Index (IEI): Integrating Local Insights for Quick Decision Support System in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

  • Hans Indrawan Sucipto, Zenli Huangtara, Sasmoko, Yasinta Indrianti, Jurike Moniaga, Sonya Rapinta Manalu, Hendry Hartono, Samuel Anindyo Widhoyoko (BINUS University)


Adapting and Innovating: How Digital Technology Adoption Helps Indonesian Retail Business Survive in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Era

  • Putri Rissa Anjani, Febby Candra Pratama (BINUS University)


Building Resilience and Sustainable Advantage: A Case Study of Strategic Technology Adoption in Creative Media Company During Crisis

  • Maudi Aulia Saraswati, Febby Candra Pratama (BINUS University)


Katarsis’ Drive-in Senja: A Case Study In Start-up Innovation During Global Disruption COVID-19

  • Andika Meydian Barley, Rhevy Adriade Putra (BINUS University)



Q & A Session



(link will provided in due time)

13.10 – 15.00 Panel  3: Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within International Relations Subsets

Moderator: Paramitaningrum (BINUS University)


Sustainable Practices in Stakeholder Engagement: Lessons from the National Mangrove Map Project in Mangrove for Coastal Resilience Indonesia

  • Mulyono Mulyono, Anton Dwi Fitriyanto (BINUS University)


An Overview of Smart Village Concepts to Enhance Rural Life Economically and Socially

  • Sulistyo Heripracoyo (BINUS University)


Digital Technology for Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: A systematic literature review and future research agenda

  • Febby Candra Pratama, Robertus Herman (BINUS University)


Comparison Of Environmental Policies Analysis Through The Lens Of State-Centric Theory: A Case Study Approach Donald Trump And Joe Biden Against Agreement Of Paris

  • Fearsa Defary Fedias, Rhevy Adriade Putra (BINUS University)


Unveiling the Untapped Learning Opportunities for Indonesian Trainees in Japan: A Strategic Approach to Human and Life Skill Development

  • Roberto Masami Prabowo (BINUS University)



Q & A Session



(link will provided in due time)

13.10 – 15.00 Panel 4: “Innovative Strategies in Technology and Governance: Advancing Sustainable Development and Global Influence”

Moderator: Aditya Permana (BINUS University)


Business Agility and Sustainability: Supply Chain Management Strategies and Environmental-Friendly Innovations for Logistics Companies Supporting SDGs

·         Rini Setiawati (BINUS University), Hasri Nirmala (Darmapersada University), Puji Rahayu Setyaningsih (Gunadarma University)



Analysis of Digital Content Creation Using AI to Empower MSMEs Through Digital Marketing

·         Davin Danika Sasongko, Priska Arindya Purnama (BINUS University)



The Role of Surabaya City Government in the Goal-Setting Global Governance of Sustainable Development

·         Jennifer Clara Aprilia,  Sukmawani Bela Pertiwi (BINUS University)



Influencer as a “soft power” to Gain an International Relations Strength

·         Yanuarita Sari (BINUS University)


Power Imbalances of Technology in Green Development

·         Ica Wulansari, Tatok Sudiarto (Universitas Paramadina)



Q & A Session



(link will provided in due time)

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee Break


15.30 – 17.30 Panel 5: Leadership, Media, and Human Rights in International Relations

Moderator: Mochamad Alvin Dwiana Qobulsyah (BINUS University)


Analyzing Xi Jinping’s leadership style: Implications for China – Indonesia Bilateral Relations Through Digital Humanities Approach

  • Thomasina Petrisia Sulistyawati, Jureynolds Jureynolds (BINUS University)


The United States’ Policy towards Indonesia: Media-tracking of Online Newspaper Coverage of the 2022 G20 Presidency

  • Dzaky Faisa Fariarto, Dian Novikrisna (BINUS University)


From Short Wave to Online Realism: RRI Voice of Indonesia’s Diplomatic Journey

  • Muslikhin, Fitria Andayani, Efi Fadilah (BINUS University, Universitas Padjadjaran)


Implications of Abortion Bans on International Human Rights Law

  • Lavencia Vinkating Kosasih, Dian Novikrisna (BINUS University)


Comparative study on the EU’s treatment of Ukrainian and Syrian refugees in obtaining protection in EU member states

  • Valencia Winaldi, Paramitaningrum (BINUS University)


Q & A Session



(link will provided in due time)

15.30 – 17.30 Panel 6: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on IR and Technology

Moderator: Eryan Ramadhani (BINUS University)


Constructivist Perspective on Chinese Foreign Aid to Indonesia during President Jokowi’s Administration

  • Griffrentzen Seannery, Dian Novikrisna (BINUS University)


The Cooperation Effort Between NGO Never Again Rwanda and Interpeace in Overcoming Post-Conflict Trauma in Rwanda 2015-2018

  • Maria Natalie, Sabaria Catharin Debora (BINUS University)


World Wars and Entrepreneurship: A Preliminary Insights from Systematic Literature Review

  • Ari Margiono (BINUS University)


War and Right of Veto on Immanuel Kant’s Paradigm on Duty

  • Dika S Pandanari (BINUS University), Widyan Hirzi Wibowo, Yogi Timor Ardani (Perkumpulan Studi Filsafat Diskursus)


The Digital Frontier: Exploring Personal Attributes and Entrepreneurial Dreams in Indonesian

  • Rita Yuliana (BINUS University)


Q & A Session



(link will provided in due time)

15.30 – 17.30 Panel 7: Technological Innovations and Their Impact on Security, Culture, and Governance in Southeast Asia

Moderator: Roseno Aji Affandi (BINUS)

A Terrible Future? Replication Study of Episodic Future Thinking and Perceived Risk of Terrorism.

·         Roosalina Wulandari, Haykal Hafizul Arifin, Hari Kristopo (BINUS University, Universitas Indonesia, BINUS University)


How Does Technology Increase Community Interaction through Gamelan Music.

·         Yosef Dedy Pradipto, Roseno Aji Affandi, Bhernadetta Pravita Wahyuningtyas, Danis Sugiyanto, Bondet Wrahatnala, Denis Setiaji and Wita Anindya Maharani (BINUS University, Indonesian Institute of The Art Surakarta)


Cyber Security Governance in ASEAN: Navigating Southeast Asia Towards Digital Resilient Region

·         Cynthia Sondang R Sipahutar (BINUS University)

Technology Humanities Analysis: Unravel Smart City Concept in Indonesia’s New Capital Nusantara

·         Cynthia Sondang R Sipahutar, Eryan Ramadhani, Erni Herawati, Nabilah Abbas (BINUS University)

Digital consumerism in Indonesia: A preliminary analysis

  • Paramitaningrum, Wishnoebroto (BINUS University)



(link will provided in due time)

18.00 – 21.00 Reception Dinner Ballroom 2, 3rd Fl

++Detail information for Indo-Pacific Forum can be found in

*Notes: The Zoom link will be provided in due time. The Online session are available for all registered ICOBIRD participants.



Day 2. Thursday, 29 August 2024

(ALL Time is in BALI Time-WITA, GMT+8)


Timestamp Program Venue
08.30 – 09.00 Participants Registration Ballroom Area, 3rd Fl
09.00 – 09.15 Opening Session ICOBIRD Day 2

Dean Faculty of Humanities, BINUS University

Dr. Elisa Carolina Marion, S.S., M.Si.

Junior Ballroom 2**
09.15 – 11.45 Special Panel


Mapping Power, Analyzing Closure: Socio-Technical Imaginaries of Innovation and the SDGs

·         Dr. Daniel McCarthy (University of Melbourne)


Future Threats, Potential Opportunities, and Current Actions: Emerging Technologies and Traditional and Non-Traditional Security in Southeast Asia

·         Dr. Karryl Kim Sagun Trajano (NTU)



·         Dr. Lili Yulyadi Arnakim (BINUS University)

Junior Ballroom 2 A**

(Link zoom will be provided in due time for register participants)

11.45 – 13.00 Lunch Break Ballroom Area
13.00 – 14.45 Panel 8: Technology and State-Society Relations

Moderator: Rangga Aditya (BINUS University)


Intertwined Transnationalism and State-Society Relations within Nation-State and Technological Perspectives

·         Agus R Rahman (Center for Political Research National Research and Innovation Agency)


Digital Technologies, Democratic Backsliding, and Political Dynasties in Southeast Asia

·         Elisabeth Ermuliana Kembaren, Tangguh Chairil, Yosef Dedy Pradipto, Evelyn Chernando, Intan Khairani Humaira (BINUS University)


China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the Vortex of Online Gambling in Southeast Asia

•       Aditya Permana (BINUS University)


The Western Sahara Conflict: Geopolitical Maneuvers and Impediments to Resolution

·         Yahia Hamdallah H. Zoubir (Middle East Council on Global Affairs, Doha)


Q & A Session


Junior Ballroom 2 A**


(Link zoom will be provided in due time for register participants)

13.00 – 14.45 Panel 9: Media, Narratives, and International Relations

Moderator: Tangguh Chairil (BINUS University)


Navigating Global Crises: Hegemonic Narratives and the Role of Digital Media

·         Althaf Raja Shaka Firdaus, Rangga Aditya Elias (BINUS University)


Building Bridges Online: How Indonesian Foreign Minister’s Digital Diplomacy Strengthens Cultural Soft Power

·         Rafi A Budiman, Rangga Aditya Elias (BINUS University)


The Role of Media Framing in International Conflict: A Case Study of CNN and Al-Jazeera

·         Tiara Salsabila Syaranda, Rangga Aditya Elias (BINUS University)


Dissecting the Initial One-Week Narratives of Al Jazeera and BBC Media on Covering Israel-Palestine Tension After 7 October 2023

·         Mochamad Alvin Dwiana Qobulsyah, Lily Liani, Paramita Amaranggana, Kennard Mikael (BINUS University)


Q & A Session


Junior Ballroom 2 B**

(Link zoom will be provided in due time for register participants)

14.45 – 15.15 Coffee Break Ballroom Area
15.15 – 17.00 Panel 10: Technology’s Role in Political and Economic Development


Moderator: Elisabeth Ermuliana Kembaren (BINUS University)


The Influence of Internet Use, GDP, and Educatioan on the Development of E-Commerce in Indonesia

·         Ignatius Peter Nicholas, Dhafin Mahdi Yusran, Hayurizki Abdulabib, Geraldo Kenzhi Johano, Nur Azmi F Karim (BINUS University)


Digital Technologies, Elections, and Political Dynasties in Southeast Asia

·         Tangguh Chairil, Elisabeth Ermuliana Kembaren, Fatimah Azzahra, Stefanus Bintang Agni Kusuma Lelangrian (BINUS University)


Hegemonic Technocapitalism in East Asia: Critical and Posthumanist Readings

·         Aditya Permana (BINUS University)


The Sustainable Development Goals integration into the National Development Plan of Southeast Asian Countries: A Comparative analysis between Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand

·         Lili Yulyadi Arnakim, Miranda Tahalele, Rhevy Putra (BINUS University)


Q & A Session


Junior Ballroom 2 A**

(Link zoom will be provided in due time for register participants)

17.00 – 17.15 Closing Ceremony Ballroom 1

**Notes: All the onsite presentation sessions will be available for all ICOBIRD participants. The Zoom link will be provided in due time.