Eryan Tri Ramadhani, Ph.D.
Eryan holds a doctoral degree in international politics from School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA), Fudan University in Shanghai, China. She is a Faculty Member and an Associate Lecturer Specialist at the Department of International Relations, Bina Nusantara University. Prior to joining BINUS, she was a lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur. Her current research lies in the intersection of political psychology and IR.
Research Interests
- Foreign Policy Analysis
- China’s foreign policy
- Political rhetoric
- Discursive psychology
- East Asian studies
Awards and Scholarships
- SIRPA Academic Research Award 2019 (Second Prize)
- Chinese Government Scholarship 2016-2020
- Wang Xuelian Academic Activity Award 2013
- Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Graduate Scholarship (Beasiswa Unggulan Luar Negeri DIKTI) 2012-2014
- ASEAN Women’s Wing Scholar Award 2010-2011
- Nufus, H., Sinaga, L. C., & Ramadhani, E. (2024, October 21). Prabowo’s leadership: Sailing through US-China rivalry. The Jakarta Post.
- Alami, A. N., Luong, D. N. A., Prihatini, E., Ramadhani, E., Go, J. R. R., Hafidzah, N., & Atiyah, U. (2022). Democratization in the digital era: Experience from Southeast Asia. Journal of ASEAN Studies, 10(2), 227-246.
- Ramadhani, E. (2022). Perception of survival and overconfidence: The case of Najib Razak (2009-2018). Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 7(2), 251-268.
- Ramadhani, E. (2021). Whither the daang matuwid? Overconfidence in Benigno S. Aquino III’s perception of survival (2010-2016). Philippine Political Science Journal, 42(2), 124-148.
- Ramadhani, E. (2019). Is assertiveness paying the bill? China’s domestic audience costs in the South China Sea disputes. Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs, 6(1), 30-54.
- Ramadhani, E. (2015). China in the Indian Ocean Region: The confined ‘far-seas operations’. India Quarterly, 71(2), 146-159.
- Ramadhani, E. (2014). China’s crisis bargaining in the South China Sea dispute (2010-2013). Journal of ASEAN Studies, 2(2), 103-120.
- Fundamentals of Academic Writing in International Relations
- International Law Issues and International Dispute Settlement
- Introduction to International Media
- Introduction to International Relations
- Modern Theories of International Relations
- Thesis Writing Workshop
Research Grant
- Initiative for Collaborative Research on China-Indonesia Relations, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Indonesia, 2024 ($4,000)
- Penelitian Pemula BINUS (PPB), Bina Nusantara University, 2024 (Rp10.000.000)
- Research for Collaboration, Organisasi Riset Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Humaniora (OR-IPSH), Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), 2023 (Rp25.000.000)