
Journal of ASEAN Studies (JAS) New Issue Published: Vol. 5 No. 2

Journal of ASEAN Studies (JAS) New Issue Published: Vol. 5 No. 2

How K-pop Has Sparked an Interest in International Politics

How K-pop Has Sparked an Interest in International Politics

Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific: Emerging Trends and Opportunities

Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific: Emerging Trends and Opportunities

European Union – Taiwan Relations: The Lesson for Indonesia

European Union – Taiwan Relations: The Lesson for Indonesia

FGD Balitbang Kemhan “Peningkatan Pembinaan Teritorial TNI Dalam Menghadapi Ancaman Nonmiliter”

FGD Balitbang Kemhan “Peningkatan Pembinaan Teritorial TNI Dalam Menghadapi Ancaman Nonmiliter”

FPCI Chapter Binus: “ 10 Years Economic Crisis : Indonesia’s Perspective”

FPCI Chapter Binus: “ 10 Years Economic Crisis : Indonesia’s Perspective”

ASEM Day 2018: “Partner for Global Challenges: Youth in Power”

ASEM Day 2018: “Partner for Global Challenges: Youth in Power”

Internship di Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia: Sesi Sharing 2

Internship di Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia: Sesi Sharing 2

Kunjungan Dosen HI Binus ke University of Melbourne

Kunjungan Dosen HI Binus ke University of Melbourne

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