Guideline for Submission
We invite the submission of individual abstracts that will be grouped together and panel discussions.
For Abstract submission:
- Abstract should consist of 250 – 300 words.
- Abstract should identify the topic, main arguments, methodologies, and results.
- It is also necessary to identify 5 keywords.
- Name and affiliated institution should be mentioned.
- Please submit the abstract in the form pdf to CMT (link).
For Panel
- The panel should consist of 3 – 4 presenters.
- Encourage inclusion of discussion in the proposed panel.
- All panels should be open to people outside the convenors.
- The panel session will be a maximum of 2 hours.
- Submission for panel should also attach the abstracts of each presenter.
- Guideline for abstracts following the above-mentioned identification.
For full paper
- Once the abstract or the panel is accepted, the full paper needs to be submitted in the duration of the timeline.
- The paper shall not be published elsewhere.
- The full paper should consist of 5000 – 6000 words excluding title and list of references.
- Please submit the full paper in the form of words document (.doc/.docx) to CMT (link).
- The formats for the full paper are:
- Written in 12 pt in Times New Roman with 15 spacing.
- The structure of the full paper should consist of: Title, Name (s) of the Author (s), affiliated institution, Email Address, Abstract, Keywords, Acknowledgement (optional), Introduction, Theoretical Review / Conceptual Framework, Methodology, Discussion (Finding / Analysis), Conclusion, Biography of the author, and List of References.
- References model of APA, including the in-text reference and list of references.
- The use of content generated by artificial intelligence in a paper (not limited to text, paper, figures, images, and code) shall be disclosed in the methodology or acknowledgement section. The AI system shall be identified, and specific sections utilizing AI-generated content shall be identified with a brief explanation. The use of AI system for editing and grammar enrichment needs to be disclosed as identified above.