Department Activities

“LGBTQ Human Rights in Indonesia and how Influential the Factors of Culture, Religion, and Tradition is” with the students representative from Korea University

“LGBTQ Human Rights in Indonesia and how Influential the Factors of Culture, Religion, and Tradition is” with the students representative from Korea University

BIRFEST 2019 Just Humanity: IR BINUS Gives the Goods Back

BIRFEST 2019 Just Humanity: IR BINUS Gives the Goods Back

IR Binus Goes to Taiwan! Back to the Roots: Visiting the Indonesia Economic and Trade Office to Taipei (KDEI) and Indonesia Diaspora Network in Taiwan

IR Binus Goes to Taiwan! Back to the Roots: Visiting the Indonesia Economic and Trade Office to Taipei (KDEI) and Indonesia Diaspora Network in Taiwan

IR Binus Goes to Taiwan! Ready to Mingle: A Visit to Tamkang University

IR Binus Goes to Taiwan! Ready to Mingle: A Visit to Tamkang University

IR Binus Goes to Taiwan! First Campus Stop: National Chengchi University

IR Binus Goes to Taiwan! First Campus Stop: National Chengchi University

A Valuable Visit to Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF)

A Valuable Visit to Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF)

IR BINUS Goes to Taipei!

IR BINUS Goes to Taipei!

Sivitas Akademika Perlu Berperan dalam Antipencucian Uang dan Penanggulangan Pendanaan Teroris: Diskusi Panel PPATK dan BINUS

Sivitas Akademika Perlu Berperan dalam Antipencucian Uang dan Penanggulangan Pendanaan Teroris: Diskusi Panel PPATK dan BINUS

IR Binus Encounter with the Refugees through The May 18 Academy, Gwangju

IR Binus Encounter with the Refugees through The May 18 Academy, Gwangju

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