Kijang Initiatives Forum (KIF)

  1. The 1st KIF: Building Roadmap Towards Indonesian School of International Relations, with Andi Widjajanto
  2. The 2nd KIF: State of the Art: How Chinese Business Networks in Indonesia Have Changed (or Stayed Unchanged) as a Result of the Process of Globalization, Asian Economic Crisis, and the Rise of China, Monday, November 18, 2013, with Valeria Virgilio, postgraduate student in International Relations, the University of Napoli L’Orientale
  3. The 3rd KIF: Maritime Security in South East Asia, Monday, February 17, 2014,with Dr. Euan Graham and Ristian Atriandi Supriyatno, Senior Fellow and Associate Research Fellow at Maritime Security Program, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  4. The 4th KIF: Usman-Harun Controversy and Its Implications, Thursday, February 20, 2014, with Curie Maharani, Ph.D. candidate from Cranfield University
  5. The 5th KIF: China in ASEAN-led Institution: Enduring Themes, Emerging Trends, Monday, March 17, 2014, with Dr. Cheng-Chwee Kuik, expert on China-Southeast Asia relations, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  6. The 6th KIF: Nationalist Sentiments, Expected National Benefits, and Support for ASEAN Community: An Empirical Test of Sociotropic Utilitarian and National Identity Models, Thursday, June 5, 2014, with Dr. Benny Guido, post-doctoral fellow, the Institute for Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS), National University of Malaysia
  7. The 7th KIF: with Matoko Shuto
  8. The 8th KIF: Electoral System and the Changing Party System: Indonesia, Taiwan, and the Philippines in Comparison, with Samuel Ku
  9. The 9th KIF: Indonesia-US Relations under Jokowi Presidency: Prospects and Challenges, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Thursday, August 28, 2014, with Dr. Satu Limaye, Director of East West Center, Washington
  10. The 10th KIF: Transforming International Studies: A New Cosmopolitanism and the Contemporary Challenges of Planetary Realizations, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 13:00-15:00, with Prof. Ananta Kumar Giri, Madras Institute of Development Studies
  11. The 11th KIF: Nuclear Security: What to Know & Why Academicians Should Care, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Friday, March 20, 2015, 10:00-11:00 with Mutti Anggita, lecturer and researcher on nuclear security issues
  12. The 12th KIF: Happy Reunion or Dangerous Liaisons? China Rising and Its Implications for Ethnic Chinese Communities in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Monday, May 4, 2015, with Dr. Charlotte Setijadi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  13. The 13th KIF: Workshop Teknik Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah di Jurnal Berimpak, Wednesday, June 10, 2015, with Dr. Benny Guido, post-doctoral fellow, the Institute for Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS), National University of Malaysia
  14. The 14th KIF: Asal Usul Poros Maritim Indonesia, with Wendy Prajuli
  15. The 15th KIF: The Politics of Protection Rackets in Indonesia, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Monday, November 30, 2015, 10:00-12:00, with Dr. Ian Wilson, lecturer and research fellow, Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University
  16. The 16th KIF: Jangan Sampai Konflik Saudi-Iran Merambat ke Indonesia, Friday, January 22, 2016, with Tia Mariatul Kibtiah, observer on Middle East politics
  17. The 17th KIF: Changing Framework of Economic Relations Between Europe and Indonesia – Doing Business with Central and Eastern Europe, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Monday, February 1, 2016, 10:00-12:00, with Dr. Tamas Novak, Associate Professor, Budapest Business School
  18. The 18th KIF: Reforming History: Legitimising the CCP and Reform in the Xi Jinping Era, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Monday, February 15, 2016, 10:30-12:00, with Dr. Sow Keat Tok, Deputy Director, Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies
  19. The 19th KIF: People Centered Disaster Management, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Friday, March 4, 2016, 13:30-15:00, with Prof. Stefano Tsukamoto, lecturer of Multicultural Innovation Studies, Osaka University, guest lecturer of postgraduate program, Universitas Gadjah Mada, and head ofSatellite Project on Disaster Management and Humanitarian Action by Osaka University at Universitas Gadjah Mada
  20. The 20th KIF: “Iran Goes Nuclear”: Problematic, Binus University Syahdan Campus M2B, Friday, April 15, 2016, 16:00-17:00, with Mutti Anggita, Bina Nusantara University
  21. The 21st KIF: Binus University Kijang Campus C204, Friday, September 30, 2016, 14:00-15:00, with Prof. Tirta Mursitama, Bina Nusantara University
  22. The 22nd KIF: Post-Secular World: The Resurgence of Religion in National and Global Politics, Binus University Kijang Campus C204, Friday, November 11, 2016, 14:00-15:00, with Narwastuyati Petronela Mbeo, Bina Nusantara University
  23. The 23rd KIF: How to be a Sucessful High Impact Journal Article Writer, Binus University Kijang Campus B101, Thursday, March 2, 2017, 13:00-15:00, with Dr. Nanthakumar Loganathan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia